This Poetic version of the Qur'an

Welcome and peace be with you. This site contains a poetic version of an English rendition of the Qur'an along with hadeeth inclusions to explain the verses. You can click on the following highlighted sections to find out the intention behind this project and the colour code to the layout of the chapters as well as a guide to the reasonsing behind the layout of the videos.

Below you will find the most recent poetic version I have completed and on the right-hand side-bar you will find the previous chapters. I hope you find some of this work to be of use in your endeavours, please share the link if it is and with Allah is every success.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

71 - Noah

Muhammad tell the Meccans,
We sent Noah to his people and told him ‘Warn them before the painful torment:
The drowning in this life, and the tremendous Fire in the life to come like none before it!’
So he went to his people and said ‘I give you a clear message in a language you understand
Turn to God, leave your idols, follow me to Him as the Judgment is coming, close at hand.’

He called to them for 950 years ‘all the through the night, all the through the day
But the more I call them to You, my Lord, the more they turn and run away
I call them to Your forgiveness but they cover their ears with their fingers,
Wrap themselves in cloaks to ignore me, and their arrogance and insolence lingers!

I call to them in the open places at the top of my voice, as loud as I can
And I call to them through secret whispers when they are close at hand
I told them: ‘ask forgiveness of the Forgiving One, He’ll end the 40 year drought
He will replenish the earth, and from the wombs of your wives make children come out!
No child has been born to you or even your animals over the last 2 scores
But turn to Him and He will give you children, livestock, rivers and so much more!

So what is wrong with you all?
  Why won’t you believe in God’s majesty?
And avoid the coming tragedy,
By turning to the One deserving of all praise,
The One who created you and made you grow from stage to stage.’

Oh Meccans as Noah warned, I warn too,

Have you not seen how God created the 7 heavens in harmony?
Made the sun as a lamp and the moon a light for all to see
Made you from dust of the Earth like Adam was originally
Then returns you to it in death, and brings you back for the next life accordingly
Do you not have the earth as place to rest and lay sufficiently
With its valleys to tread and paths to walk, that all are set out so spaciously?

And Noah also said: ‘My Lord they have ignored and disobeyed me
And turned to their chieftains believing their wealth and children make them mighty
They do not see, that what they have, on the Last Day, will only increase their loss
They are the ones who spread a terrible lie, part of their terrible plot;
As their chieftains say ‘don’t ignore our idols, stick with Nasr, Yaguth and Wa’ad
My Lord, they have led many astray, so Lord, let their destruction be close at hand.

Lord forgive me and my parents and who ever enters my ship as a believer
And Lord if you left sinners on the earth they'd only produce more corrupt, lying, deceivers
So Lord, wipe them them from the face of the earth, leave them completely overawed’
So they were drowned and sent to Hell, and had none to help them against the Lord.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

72 - The Jinn

Prophet, tell the people “it has been revealed to me that a group of Jinn
9 in number, came to listen in on the Qur’an while I was reciting.
Then returned to their kind to tell them of what they’d observed
Saying ‘there is a glorious message from God that we’ve heard
It gives right guidance and we have turned in true belief
And hereby renounce all previous lords we took like the devil, Iblis.
We now know the One True God is above claims He has a child or spouse
It is the foolish, Iblis who moves among us, who utters such lies from his mouth
And we thought none would have the audacity from Mankind and Jinn
To spread such a mendacious and terrible lie against the Almighty - All praise be to Him.’”

Prophet, tell the people
Many previous generations have sought protection and asked it of the Jinn
And for example would call out, ‘I ask for safety from the master of the valley I am in’
And such words would increase the arrogance of the jinn there
And they began to act as if they would not be raised again before the One who was All Aware

The 9 believing jinn also said ‘we used to try to steal our way up to the Heaven and listen in
To hear what angels discussed so we could head to earth and pass on what they were saying
But after the Qur’an’s reciter, Muhammad, was born
We would head there and find the boundaries of Heaven adorned
With angels ready to fight us off with meteors;
So we have no knowledge of what the Lord intends for those on earth 
We know not whether they will head to good or bad ends on return to Him at the Rebirth’

The jinn also said of their kind ‘some of us are believers and some ignore Guidance
We believing ones know we can’t escape God, and turn to Him in full compliance
The wrongdoers have hell but whoever believes need not fear injustice or loss of any kind
Wise guidance has been given to those who believe in God, and keep Him in mind.’

If the Meccans would believe –
There will be water they’ll receive
As We would send the rain again,
That We’ve withheld for 7 years
As a clear
Test for them and anyone that turns from Revelation then
Will be spun away into an agonizing fiery torment.

And know
The places of worship are for God’s remembrance alone
And when Muhammad rose to recite the Quran , in Batn Nakhl, which many Jinn call home
They were so eager to hear revelation they pressed around him in numbers and it was said
‘This sounds like the scripture that the Prophet Moses once read!’

And when the Meccans told Muhammad to turn away from Me
He replied ‘I pray to God alone and will call others to do the same unashamedly!
Oh Meccans, I can only warn;
I cannot of myself keep harm from you or bring you any good thing
Nor could anyone of you save me from God’s punishment, if I were to ever disobey Him.'

Whoever disobeys God and the Messenger will have a terrible end
And the disbelievers will see what I promised and see only I can offer protection then
When the disbelievers ask you of this ‘end’ saying ‘when is it coming - tell us the time?’
Reply ‘The Lord has set it, but as for it being near or far, that is not knowledge of mine.’
God alone knows what is hidden from mankind and reveals what He wills to angels
And to messengers to deliver God’s words, warning and reminder of His favours
He has knowledge of all things, and of all things He keeps a full written account
And He has prepared a fitting reward for those who do good, the righteous, the devout.