This Poetic version of the Qur'an

Welcome and peace be with you. This site contains a poetic version of an English rendition of the Qur'an along with hadeeth inclusions to explain the verses. You can click on the following highlighted sections to find out the intention behind this project and the colour code to the layout of the chapters as well as a guide to the reasonsing behind the layout of the videos.

Below you will find the most recent poetic version I have completed and on the right-hand side-bar you will find the previous chapters. I hope you find some of this work to be of use in your endeavours, please share the link if it is and with Allah is every success.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

The Intention of this Project

If it is in accordance with God's will, I intend to complete a rendition of the meaning of all the chapters of the Qur'an through a poetic English format. 

The body of work undertaken is not meant as a translation (the Qur’an cannot be translated) but as a contemporary understanding, in simple language, of the thrust of the Qur'an. It is meant for younger viewers and converts, but I hope it will be of use to a wider audience too.

I have put this together after years of teaching in secondary schools and colleges with the intention of making the Qur'an more accessible to a generation who I’ve found do not access the Qur’an much.

God willing, this will be a stepping stone for them and others on the way towards a full appreciation and desire to learn the inimitable, mesmeric Qur’an in Arabic. 

I plan to complete this project and will provide various versions of the chapters, firstly by producing the English rendition and then a reference version which demonstrates where the hadeeth and other sources were taken from so that they are fully understood.

I go through all I have written with a Sheikh of the Hanbali Math'hab and hope that this is beneficial to all interested in Islam and the Qur'an, whatever background and understanding they have.

As is the case with some people, they will want to know what my 'angle' is and what my aqueeda is etc and in a separate post I have attached an introductory text on Hanbali fiqh, that I compiled with my Sheikh which I believe, affirm and hold to as the Imam who wrote it did as it is what he understood from his Imam, who understood it from his Imam etc etc, in a continuous line back to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAS) through Ali (RA).

In summarising my stance I hope it suffices that when the angels in the grave ask me the questions in the grave, I pray with all my heart that Allah allows me to be one of those who responds: My Lord is Allah, My religion is Islam and Muhammad (SAS) is my prophet.

I can only answer questions on choices I have made in my rendition. I am not qualified in ANY WAY to answer questions on Islam, so please refer questions to the proper authorities. 

I hope I am qualified to attempt this as I have worked with young Muslims as an ISOC president while at university and over the last 5 years in London as a Teacher, Head of Department and most recently an AST in secondary schools. I have an MA in English and have had various writing published.  

I have only commenced this with permission from Sheiks I learn from / with. Please be assured this is not a spur of the moment scheme, but a serious endeavor in preparation of the life to come. I hope all the above is information that will ease the minds of those who are interested in why this project was undertaken.

If there is any good in it Allah is to be praised, for its flaws I am responsible.

And with Allah is every success.

1 comment:

  1. Salaamun 'Alaykum! Masha Allah, it is very nice to see your fruitful endeavors to convey the Book of Allah Ta'ala using an innovative method. Alhamdu Lillah I have great interest in the subject as I run a Quran Study Group and also done academic studies on the translation of the Quran (being the subject of my MA) and Alhamdu Lillah I have around 60 complete translations of the Quran in English. Please email me at so we can work in collaboration. Jazakallah was Salaam. Abdullah Muhammad
