This Poetic version of the Qur'an

Welcome and peace be with you. This site contains a poetic version of an English rendition of the Qur'an along with hadeeth inclusions to explain the verses. You can click on the following highlighted sections to find out the intention behind this project and the colour code to the layout of the chapters as well as a guide to the reasonsing behind the layout of the videos.

Below you will find the most recent poetic version I have completed and on the right-hand side-bar you will find the previous chapters. I hope you find some of this work to be of use in your endeavours, please share the link if it is and with Allah is every success.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Layout of the Videos

Each video's layout is intended to be simple and clear. The poetic, colour coded rendition is on the left of the screen and the popular English translation by Yusuf Ali is on the right.

This translation is used as it is one of the most popular, widely read and longest serving English versions of the Qur’an and it is hoped that the audience will be able to see how close the meaning of the poetic version is to other translations, even though the style is very different.

It was suggested that Arabic text be placed on the right rather than another English version, so people could assess the proximity of the rendition to the Magisterial, Inimitable, Divine, Original, Qur’an but my personal opinion is that anyone who is blessed with the ability and knowledge of reading and understanding the Qur’an in Arabic would not be viewing such a video. Alhamdulilah they will have passed the station where this version would be of benefit in the understanding. For the rest on the way towards such an understanding, I hope the videos are of use.

The explanation videos will be more fluid, dictated by the need to switch windows to discuss different qur’anic ayat, tafseer interpretations and hadeeth collections that support  the colour coded poetic version in question.

And with Allah is every success

Please, sincerely, make du’a for us all.   

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